Thursday, November 12, 2009

How many teeth can you have pulled at the same time with the typical shot for dental procedures?

I have 1 tooth on top and 3 on bottom on the right side that I would like to have pulled all at once. I've been fighting toothaches off and on in all 4 of them and I've just had it. I hate the dentist and I'm scared to death, so if I'm going to do it, I want it all over in one visit. Is this possible?

How many teeth can you have pulled at the same time with the typical shot for dental procedures?
Without seeing your mouth or x-rays I would say that is how it will be done.
Reply:Not sure if there is a limit, but I had 4 pulled at once myself
Reply:yes five the sametime. I just had don 4 days ago.
Reply:Hi! Yes you can have them all pulled at the same time, this is painful and will be sore for about a week. Putting ice on the swelling and taking pain meds will certainly help to make it more tolerable and less painful. Often this would require multiple shots and if you are frightened, you will need more because of your high anxiety. You will hear the noise and feel the pressure and I think you will be very upset. Ask your dentist for the name of a good Oral surgeon and make an appointment to have them removed. The Oral Surgeon can put you into a "twilight" sleep stage and you will remember very little after wards. He will also guide you with a post-recovery plan and help you with the proper steps to make this as painless as possible. If you have any other questions, please ask. Good luck! Marie

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