Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dental procedure, dry socket arghhhhh!!!!!!!!?

Is it me or has anyone else suffered from a tooth extraction causing a "dry sockett" the pain is unbelievable, the extraction was a week ago and it does not seem to be getting any better, is this normal ?

Dental procedure, dry socket arghhhhh!!!!!!!!?
I know the pain - indescribable and I'm really and truly sorry. Dry sockets occur, as you probably know, because the wound hasn't bled much during extraction, and because of this your dentist should have known to pack the hole. Untreated dry socket can last up to couple of weeks - but it is such a relief when the pain eventually goes, and it will!. Until you can get an appointment with your dentist who will pack the hole for you, and providing you are not a reformed alcoholic, try what I was advised to do. Get a piece of cotton wool, soak it in whisky and apply it to the area - gently. DO NOT POKE ANYTHING INTO THE HOLE. If the socket is in your lower jaw you can drip whisky into the hold several times a day and let it stay in there a little while. The alcohol will do 4 things: It will numb the pain; keep the wound clean; prevent infection, and harden the gum. Dry sockets are prone to getting infected because however careful you are, tiny food particles can get in there and you mustn't poke them out. Flush them out with a little luke warm salt water, or give your mouth a good rinse. Salt water is tremendously good for hardening the gum and preventing infection too. Some people use Clove oil but I've never tried this. I know it's bad for you at the moment but you will feel better soon. See your dentist if you feel you can't stand the pain anymore - pain killers are not a lot of use and cause other problems, but as I was advised by the hospital, you can alternate Ibuprofen and Paracetamol every 2 hours safely, (unless you are allergic or intollerant to either), as they work in different ways, but only do this for a couple of days, and speak to your GP about doing this. Personally I prefer the either the whisky or the salt water. Hope you will be better soon.
Reply:I've been there... but I don't think the pain should still be this bad after a week. Call your dentist and they can give you some ideas on how to ease the pain and what else you should be doing to care for it.
Reply:It is caused because you lost the blood clot out of the extraction site. This leaves the jawbone exposed. You should go back and have the dentist to pack the opening to stop the pain. That is why dentists tell the patients not to eat, smoke, or suck on straws to drink for a period of time. Sorry you are hurting, but go call the dentist. The weekend is coming up, and it will only get worse.
Reply:Contact your dentist immediately for pain killers and follow up exam. Dry socket is argueably the most painful experience you can have. It is treatable.
Reply:No it is not.This may help put a tea bag there for a while and see if that helps.You really do need to make a call the Dentist and talk to them.I am sorry you are in such pain,maybe try some orejel around the area also.
Reply:I had a dry socket when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out. Excruciating pain!

You need to go back to the dentist. They will put this mix of cloves and other stuff in the socket and you will feel better instantly.
Reply:A Dry Socket after tooth extractions can be common. However, if you are in that much pain after 1 week, you should go see your dentist immediately.
Reply:Go to your dentist. They can do something to stop the pain. If you're a smoker try cutting down for a few days. But most importantly, go to the dentist for a post-op appointment.
Reply:I would contact your doctor right away. I had my wisdom teeth taken out this summer and I had 2 dry sockets. My doctor told me to come in and he put this cotton ball type thing down in hole where the tooth used to be. It had medication on it to stop the pain. Let me tell you, the medication was gross but the pain went away within 20 minutes.

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