Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can a cracked tooth occur during a dental procedure?

I had two fillings on either side of the cracked tooth and two wisdom teeth extractions on the same side. I had pain immediately afterwords and it has persisted. They found the cracked tooth but claim no dental procedure could have caused it. There was no pain prior to the procedures. I got extra pain injections during the filling of the tooth next to the cracked one. No prior problems with this tooth or any pain on this side of my mouth.

Can a cracked tooth occur during a dental procedure?
It is unlikely that drilling into a tooth with a bur can cause a crack..

cracks are normally caused by previous fillings having sharp corners or being inadequate in depth.. .etc (so inadequate filling design) which has then had substantial pressure put upon it from an opposing tooth for some time to produce enough torque or a vector force to split the tooth partially.

Post operative pain/ sensitivity is not uncommon

a) because you had wisdom teeth extractions.. this is an invasive procedure and the surrounding tissues wil lbe healing. there may even be referred pain.

b) you need to think about where is your pain exactly.? is it in the tooth with the crack.. the other thing is; what initiates the pain.. is it when you bite down or drink hot/ cold foods/ beverages?

perhaps you are just recently becoming aware of it and so thinking about the tooth and so realising the pain.
Reply:Anything is possible. May be hard to prove and the dentist is covering his butt. You may be able to prove it by seeing x-rays taken before the procedure if that tooth was in them and if x-rays were taken. A cracked tooth will show up on an x-ray.

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